Building Community In A Crisis: The Science of Kindness, Connection and Control

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GRAHAM FAWCETT is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in helping groups of people to thrive under stressful conditions. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, he shares with us ways that a community can be resilient to a crisis, how hardship can give rise to empathy, and why being kind to others is good for everyone's health. Help us tell more stories like this at
GRAHAM FAWCETT is a Clinical Psychologist who specialises in helping groups of people to thrive under stressful conditions. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, he shares with us ways that a community can be resilient to a crisis, how hardship can give rise to empathy, and why being kind to others is good for everyone's health. Help us tell more stories like this at
Building Community In A Crisis: The Science of Kindness, Connection and Control
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