Community Mental Health in the Gaza Strip

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The ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict places unique mental health pressures on many civilians. In this podcast we hear how one organisation in the Gaza Strip has pioneered a community-based approach to try and alleviate these pressures. DR. YASSER ABU JAMEI is its Director, and here he tells us about their efforts to generate hope in a place where hope can be difficult to find. Help us tell more stories like this at
The ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict places unique mental health pressures on many civilians. In this podcast we hear how one organisation in the Gaza Strip has pioneered a community-based approach to try and alleviate these pressures. DR. YASSER ABU JAMEI is its Director, and here he tells us about their efforts to generate hope in a place where hope can be difficult to find. Help us tell more stories like this at
Community Mental Health in the Gaza Strip
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