Haiti, Enterprise and the Church

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Haiti in the Caribbean has a complex history. Following slavery, revolution, debt, exploitation and natural disasters, it is currently one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. In this episode, Haitian-born MARC ROMIYR ANTOINE from the international NGO Tearfund explains why local business and the local church are both crucial to the country's future, and to the elimination of poverty. Help us tell more stories like this at patreon.com/arukahnetwork
Haiti in the Caribbean has a complex history. Following slavery, revolution, debt, exploitation and natural disasters, it is currently one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. In this episode, Haitian-born MARC ROMIYR ANTOINE from the international NGO Tearfund explains why local business and the local church are both crucial to the country's future, and to the elimination of poverty. Help us tell more stories like this at patreon.com/arukahnetwork
Haiti, Enterprise and the Church
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