Joining The Dots: Elizabeth Wainwright on Local Politics, Climate Change & 'Generalists'

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In May 2019, Arukah Network mentor and coach ELIZABETH WAINWRIGHT was elected to represent her rural community in the south west of England at local government level. In this episode, she shares some of her story, from nearly becoming a doctor, to unexpectedly becoming a politician. Along the way, we hear why the world needs more "generalists", how politicians can achieve more if they listen more, why climate change demands relationship change, and how we can better speak to our political representatives. Help us tell more stories like this at
In May 2019, Arukah Network mentor and coach ELIZABETH WAINWRIGHT was elected to represent her rural community in the south west of England at local government level. In this episode, she shares some of her story, from nearly becoming a doctor, to unexpectedly becoming a politician. Along the way, we hear why the world needs more "generalists", how politicians can achieve more if they listen more, why climate change demands relationship change, and how we can better speak to our political representatives. Help us tell more stories like this at
Joining The Dots: Elizabeth Wainwright on Local Politics, Climate Change & 'Generalists'
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