Protecting Birds, Building Community in Lebanon

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When ASSAD SERHAL set out on a career to protect bird habitats in his native Lebanon, it led him to discover and resurrect an ancient tribal practice called 'Hima'. In this podcast, we hear how his work with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon is using the 'Hima' approach to bring nature and community closer together across the Middle East. Help us tell more stories like this at
When ASSAD SERHAL set out on a career to protect bird habitats in his native Lebanon, it led him to discover and resurrect an ancient tribal practice called 'Hima'. In this podcast, we hear how his work with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon is using the 'Hima' approach to bring nature and community closer together across the Middle East. Help us tell more stories like this at
Protecting Birds, Building Community in Lebanon
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