Zimbabwe's Friendship Bench

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How can an elderly lady on a bench improve a community's wellbeing? 'The Friendship Bench' is a response to Zimbabwe's mental health crisis, but it's an idea that's been replicated as far away as New York City. In this episode we hear from a pioneer of the project, Clinical Psychologist at the University of Harare, RUTH VERHEY. Help us tell more stories like this at patreon.com/arukahnetwork
How can an elderly lady on a bench improve a community's wellbeing? 'The Friendship Bench' is a response to Zimbabwe's mental health crisis, but it's an idea that's been replicated as far away as New York City. In this episode we hear from a pioneer of the project, Clinical Psychologist at the University of Harare, RUTH VERHEY. Help us tell more stories like this at patreon.com/arukahnetwork
Zimbabwe's Friendship Bench
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